If you are SEARCHING for a foot care nurse in your neighbourhood, you can search on any of the fields shown in the directory card eg. name, organization, city, postal code and others. You can search for multiple cities using the syntax: city x and city y. Once you enter your term, click on the magnifying glass to launch it.

If you are a foot care nurse and WANT TO JOIN, create an account on the website and return to this Foot Care Nurse Directory page. Then log on with your new credentials in the Nurses directory login box to the right, then click the Submit New Entry link below and complete the information fields. Remember, this is the searchable information so provide as much as possible. Having a concise biography can also provide users with more information about what you do. All entries are inspected, verified and approved before being activated.

If you are having difficulty creating an entry into the Directory watch this short instructional video.

Debbie Coulombe

Coulcare Footcare
Work Vernon British Columbia V1H1Z9 Canada Cell Phone: 2367688802


My name is Debbie Coulombe and I am a registered practicing RPN who has just moved to Vernon from the lower mainland.  I have been working as a foot care nurse for a few years now and am excited to open my own business here in Vernon.  I have over 40 years of experience working in the areas of geriatrics, mental health, community and assisted living as well as teaching healthcare workers and LPN’s. I was also involved with the Gerontological Nurses association for many years working as one of our Simon Fraser chapters’ executives. I am still a member of the LMFNA (Lower Mainland Footcare Nurses Association) who support me and provide footcare nurses with ongoing education and the latest in Best Practice Standards.

I love this new line of work and I am a fully equipped mobile Foot Care nurse.

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